
通告: 2024年4月26日 中华中学义卖会敬请注意 < >




A     20世纪60年代

1     1961年初,丁嘉树校长走马上任。
2     196261日,中华董事会接受政府给予的全面津贴,因而改制为中华国民型华文中学,以英语为主要媒介语。
3     1962年,初中三学生首次参加LCE考试,成绩尚称满意。
4     1963年,丁嘉树校长辞职,由副校长黄金才接任校长。
5     1965年,中华接受改制之后,首批30名中五学生参加剑桥文凭、马来亚教育文凭考试及大学先修班入学检定考试。
6     1967年,学校开办中四纯理科班。
7     1968年,中四纯理科班学生参加了剑桥文凭及马来西亚教育文凭考试,成绩标青,而后大部分考生挺进大学先修班就读。
8     1968年初,黄金才校长辞职。
9     19682月,陈帝龙受委为代校长。
10    19685月杪,陈帝龙代校长调职离开丹州。
11    196861日,梁渭民校长掌校,贡献良多。
12    1969年初,主办第五届大马少年男女篮球锦标比赛。
13    19692月,丹州篮总于本校兴建可以容纳3千人的看台篮球场,并将球场交由中华董事部全权拥有及管理。   

B     20世纪70年代
1     19705月,在梁渭民校长的倡导之下,成立了丹州第一支中学军铜乐队。军铜乐队的优秀表现大大提升了学校形象。
2     1971年正月,叶乐龄董事长坚持辞职,由副董事长黄昆福暂代其职。
3     197171日,黄初华获选为新任董事长,自此他担任董事长职长达21年,可谓是中华历史上任期最久的董事长。
4     1972324日,学校举办开放日,反应热烈,盛况空前。
5     19727月杪,梁校长辞职赴英国攻读法律,吕福源先生受委任为校长。
6           1973年,教育局推动全马各源流学校组织家长教师协会,林日经获选为本校第一任主席。
7     1973年,看台篮球场扩建加盖,成为多元用途室内体育馆。
8     1976年初,吕福源校长辞职,出任槟城师范学院讲师,黄婉仪受委代理校长一职。
9     19765月,谢丕益校长掌校。
10    1977年,学校建设三层楼新校舍,内有12间课室和3间科学实验室。
11    1976年,获得教育部拨款,修建了2间家政室。
12    19772月,学校获准开办纯理科班。
13    1978年,第一批71名纯理科学生在大马教育文凭考试纯理科考试中,获得94%及格率。
14    1978年,黄初华董事长宣布学校“20年发展大蓝图”,同时发起推动筹募“学校发展基金”。首项计划乃兴建1座耗资40万令吉的五层楼科学馆暨校舍,内有12间课室、3间科学实验室、1间图书馆及储藏室、厕所等等,耗资150万令吉。
15    1978324日,全校师生热烈欢庆创校60周年,合力举办了大规模的义卖会、娱乐市及展览会。
16    1978811日,校友会在中华体育馆举办20周年千人晚宴,筹获22余万令吉。
17    1979年中,家教协会主席林日经退位让贤予张次芳。
18    1979年,谢丕益校长调职。
19    1979年,陈侃接任校长,成为史上掌校最长时间的校长。

1     19808月,家教协会举办徒步竞走,为图书馆筹款3万令吉基金。
2     1981年,本校家协联合小学家协举办“爱校千人宴”,成功筹获10万令吉发展基金。
3     1981326日,中小学家教协会发动举办“爱吾中华”千人晚宴,共筹获12万令吉学校发展基金。
4     1982923日,董事会趁举办64周年校庆“中华之夜”千人晚宴,再度发动筹募学校发展基金。为了达至目标150万令吉,学校三大机构以各种方式筹募基金,如:叶逢仪美术作品义展、义剪、落发、点唱、贺仪、礼券等等。
5     1983年初,宏伟壮观的五层楼新科学馆暨校舍终于落成。
6     19838月,高中学生迁入新科学馆大厦上课。
7     1983年,中华华中提升为大型学校。
8     1983年,家教协会举办“家教亲善对话”,反应热烈。
9     1983年,家协主办“雪州万挠三育学校百人军铜乐队表演”,为新科学馆筹获近2万令吉基金。
10    1984年,蔡志成荣任家教协会主席。
11    1984年,中华华中获准开办中六班级,成为吉兰丹州首间设有预备班至中六班完整中学系统的学校。
12    1985年,学校欢庆创校67周年。
13    1985920日,学校举办新科学馆大厦开幕仪式,恭请时任新闻部长拿督陈声新为新科学馆大厦主持按钮仪式,及为新食堂主持启用仪式,场面盛况。
14    1986年,首批中六学生报考大马高级教育文凭考试。
15    1986年,中六学生与华文组联合推出华语长篇话剧“雷雨”的演出,为校筹募基金,并深获得丹州华社极高的评价。
16    1987年,中六学生第二度联同华文组推出长篇话剧“一串项链”,同样深获佳评。
17    1987年,学校成立海童军团。
18    1987年,学校成为警方领养学校。
19    1987年,学校成立毒品控制小组。
20    1988年,中六学生第三回和华文组推出华语长篇话剧“孔雀东南飞”,不但为校筹募基金,还在丹州华社缔造典范。
21    1988年,基于在运动、课外活动与学术方面,皆有优异的成绩表现,学校获哥打峇鲁扶轮社选为1987年全丹表现最佳的学校。

D     20世纪90年代
1     1991518日,董事长黄初华病逝,由拿督陈国华接任董事长。
2     1991年,学校施行全级上午班制度。
3     1991年,学校推行中学综合课程KBSM
4     1992年,学校推行“20年发展大蓝图”的最后发展阶段:“多用途行政楼”获董事会初步接纳。
5     1993年,学校推行提升掌握国语计划,效果显著。
6     1993917日,时任交通部长拿督斯里林良实主持宏愿楼动土礼。
7     1993年,吕瑞麟担任家协主席。
8     1993年,推行“爱校储蓄计划”,学生每天储蓄10仙,累积并捐助为建校基金。
9     1993年,“中华行”亦为学校基金筹款。
10    1993年,学校合作社夺得全丹合作社业绩比赛冠军,以及全国合作社业绩比赛季军。
11    1993年,大马教育文凭考试成绩公布,国语成绩从199258.01% 提高至 1993 76.44% ,进度令人鼓舞。
12    1994年中,家教协会主席张次芳卸任。
13    199483日,南洋商报“十大歌星慈善义演”成功举办,筹得27万令吉建筑基金。
14    1994年,校方继续推行提升国语使用计划。
15    1994年,陈侃校长于丹苏丹华诞受封SMK勋衔。
16    19945月,林仕隆老师于全国教师节庆典中荣获教育部富创意教师奖。
17    19955月,宏愿楼第一期工程圆满建竣并启用。
18    19958月,宏愿楼第二期工程动工。
19    1995年,王静君同学在大马高级教育文凭成绩获5A佳绩,成为本校开办中六班以来首位状元。
20    19968月,“虎标啤酒慈善晚会”筹获20万令吉作为中小学建校基金。
21    1996年,政府放宽直升中一的条件。
22    1996820日,我校军铜乐队和柔佛中学铜乐队在“音符之夜”合奏表演,入场免费。
23    19977月,黄婉仪副校长荣休,邀请副教育部长冯镇安博士出席其于中华总商会大礼堂的荣休晚宴。
24    1997年,中华华小、中华国中和中华独中三校首次联办校庆晚宴。
25    1998年,宏愿楼第二期工程圆满完工。
26    19985月,家协联合第五台及马华公会举办“五大歌星演唱会”为宏愿楼第三期工程筹款。
27    199964日,拿督斯里林良实医生受邀“宏愿楼”第三期工程进行奠基典礼。
28    1999628日,董事会举办“十大歌星演唱会”为第三期宏愿楼筹款。
29    1999723日,家教协会主办“99宏愿行”,为校筹款。
30    19999月初,陈侃校长荣任设于槟城东南亚区数理教育中心(RECSAM)总监。
31    19999月中,哥打峇鲁师范学院林诗杰讲师荣升至本校为新校长。

E     21世纪0年代
1     2000年,董事会不余遗力地推动与策划宏愿楼第三期建筑工程。
2     2000年,学校首次实行大马教育文凭开放选科制度(Sijil Terbuka)。
3     2000年开始,校友Dato’NikKamaruddin Bin Ismail为了奖励SPMSTPM考生考获优异佳绩,设立年度特别奖励金,并于每年的颁奖日颁发。
4     2001年,QistinaBinti Harris 同学突破本校记录,在2000年的初中评估考试(PMR)中考获9A佳绩,包括华文科。
5           2003年, 68日,本校华语辩论队于第五届福联青全国中学华语辩论比赛中,首次荣夺季军,表现令人惊喜。
6     2003919日,学校热烈欢庆宏愿楼落成开幕。
7     2004年,林诗杰校长荣休。
8     2004年,朱庆平校长接任掌校。
9     2004年,陈永生担任新董事长。
10    2004年,学校举办“思源堂”开幕典礼。
11    2005年,初级评估试(PMR)创下学校有史以来最高记录:一位考生考获9A77名考生考获8A。林颖倩与区美仪荣获全国最佳初中评估试奖项。此佳绩振奋人心。
12    2005年,高级大马文凭试(STPM)由来自理科班的陈威顺、徐丽芬、李淑君考获全科A成绩,还荣获丹州高级大马文凭最佳成绩奖。
13    2005316日,丹州教育局局长特地在本校召开记者招待会,并宣布2005年度高级大马文凭考试成绩。
14    2005年,本校家教协会拨款装置空调于教师办公室及辅导室,进一步改善老师的工作环境。
15    2005年,学校筹款扩建宏愿楼。
16    2005年,校方推行学生纪律扣分制度。
17    20075月,宏愿楼扩建工程建竣,总共耗资80万令吉,其中为课室、教师办公室、学生活动室、辅导室、军铜乐队室等等。
18    2007年,朱庆平校长荣升DG52级卓越校长。
19    2008年,吴元华担任新家协主席。
20    2009年,蔡玉琴在大马教育文凭考获最佳成绩,即是13A+1A,为本校刷新纪录。
21    2009年,朱庆平校长掌校功绩显赫,获得教育部钦赏,荣升DG54校长等级。当年,全丹州只有6名校长荣获此殊荣。

F     21世纪10年代
1     2010年,拿督陈国辉局绅担任新家协主席。
2     2010年,本校课外活动屢创佳绩、大唱丰收。
3     2010年,在全国文学创作比赛中,张伟泠同学获得散文组第一名,为本校创下新纪录。
4     2010年,学校在全国诗歌朗诵比赛中荣获初中组季军。
5     2011年,旧校舍底楼的音乐室改为讲堂,并添加多媒体设备与冷气空调,以让师生在更加舒适的环境进行教学活动。
6     2011年,食堂由哥市HAYAKI东主标得,食堂进行大装修,并以西式餐厅风格呈现,让人耳目一新。
7     20116月,朱庆平卓越校长荣休。
8     20118月,林佩玲由行政副校长正式荣升为校长,为本校首位女校友掌任校长职。
9     2011年,中华学校首创历史掌校记录,由3位女将即是幼儿园刘锦治园长、小学部陈淑玲校长及国民型中学部林佩玲校长掌校,正谓巾帼不让须眉。
10    201111月,中六副校长林天成正式荣升为行政副校长。
11    2012年,叶子栋荣任新董事长。
12    2012年,为与科技并进,本校图书馆启用条码系统,全体师生和职员皆有个人条码卡,用以登记和借阅图书。
13    2012年,中六(大学先修班)制度首度改为学期制。
14    2012年,首批初中一学生实行校本评估(PBS)。
15    2012年,学校成立了书法学会与廿四节令鼓队。廿四节令鼓队多次受邀参与华团活动演出,佳评如潮。
16    2012年,书法学会于全丹与全国赛荣获特优与优秀奖,表现亮眼。
17    2012年,符贺胜代表本校、丹州与国家壁球队,参与全丹、全国与国际壁球比赛,频频载誉荣归。
18    20135月杪,本校华语国会式辩论队于第11届全国中学华语国会式辩论半决赛中,荣夺季军奖,突破往年的表现。
19    2013621日,学校获校友大力赞助,安装了一扇自动式及一扇手动式不锈钢大门。
20    20141月,阅读室开始启用,为放学后留校的学生设立了一个理想又舒适的阅读空间。
21    201446日,修建马奇杰图书馆(小学旧图书馆)上方的遮阳屋顶,扩建了食堂走廊,同时在该空间添置桌椅以解决食堂拥挤的问题,也让学生有更加宽敞的地方用餐。
22    20147月,学校获得政府拨款,开始粉刷科学馆大厦、宏愿楼等校舍,87日完工。
23    20141225日,洪水入侵校园,导致校园遍地泥泞。本校董家教、校友会成员、老师及学生相继返校,再加上丹斯理郭元平局绅贤伉俪的热心相助,委派员工到场,大家齐心合力清洗校园。
24          20154月,惨遭201412月圣诞节大水肆虐的体育馆的旧木板座位,严重腐蚀,获得翻新。
25    2015421日,林佩玲校长荣休。
26    2015年,自林佩玲校长荣休后,本校校长一职悬空八个月。
27    2015年,校长一职悬空期间,由林天成行政副校长兼任代校长。
28    2015425日,董事会以110万令吉购得现有校地旁边的土地。
29    20157月,林天成代校长荣休,由王宝宝课外活动副校长接任代校长一职。
30    2016年,叶子栋先生卸下董事长一职,董事局继而推举黄博谆先生为现任董事长,继续领导董事部发展学校至今。
31    2016117日,本校迎来彭亨州的林日汉校长掌校至今。
32    20173月,拿督巴杜卡陈国辉局绅卸任家协主席,由李健华先生接任家协主席一职至今。
33    20178月,为了保安起见,校方于保安亭旁建设候车亭,以便学生在课后有更加适当及安全地点等候家长接载。
34    2017824日,由林日汉校长带动全体师生,配合国庆月庆典,举办全丹最长国旗大游行,旗长达626米。
35    201710月,由于思源堂屋顶残旧,长期饱受漏水问题困扰,董事部拨出巨款翻新思源堂屋顶,在屋顶内层加建铺盖,装置巨型风扇,解决了闷热大难题,让学生有个更加舒爽的考场与活动空间。
36    201712月,体育馆装置了巨型风扇,解决了闷热大问题。

37    近年,本校数位劳苦功高的校长,以及茁壮强大的董事部、家教协会及校友会成为学校的巨型推手主体,促使本校无论在学术或非学术方面皆取得骄人佳绩,佳评如潮。


Being one of the biggest and oldest schools in Kelantan, the existence of Chung Hwa National Type Secondary School could well be traced back as far as 1918 when a group of pioneers such as Wee Geok Chai, Tan Beng Chin, Yeap Guan Soon, Foo Hong Sang, Wee Sam Choon and some others together founded the Yeok Teck Chinese School at Jalan Tok Hakim. The school began classes on 17 February 1918 with more than 80 students, 2 teachers and Mr. Tan Siong Guan as the head of the school. It started off as a coed school but later changed to a girl school and renamed Wu-Pen Chinese Girls School, with Madam Yee Pau Ping as Headmistress. About the same time as when Yeok Teck began operation, another Chinese school, the Yeok Cheng was set up for the convenience of the residents in a Chinese settlement at Kampung Cina a short distance from Kota Bharu down by the Kelantan River bank. Here the school board comprised the same members as Yeok Teck namely Tan Beng Chin, Wee Geok Chai, Wee Sam Choon and others such as Tan Guan Thye, Kee Keng Lin, Ong Peng Chong and others. Yeok Cheng began classes on August 24, 1918 with some 30 students and one teacher. Education at both Yeok Cheng and Yeok Teck was free and the cost running the schools was borne by the supportive Chinese community.
However, the existance of the two schools rather strained the financial resources of the time. So, a suggestion to merge the two schools was spearheaded by Hong Tou Tuan who succeeded in securing the consent of the Boards concerned. The merger took on the name of Chung Hwa Wu Pen and the combined Boards began to look for a new site suitable to both the residents of Kota Bharu and Kampung China. The site was identified half way between the town and the Chinese Settlement. On March 3, 1927 the new site of 4.768 acres was bought at a price of $5,500.00 from Tengku Chik Penambang bin Raja Muda. The purchase was finalised through the efforts of Yeap Hong Ghee and Dr. Wong Lam. More funds were then raised for the construction of a new building which was completed by December 1927. The following year, the pupils moved into the new premises. The enrolment at the combined school rose steadily over the years to about 200 when it was ordered closed by the colonial government for alleged anti-colonial writings. The Head of the school together with all the teaching staff were deported.

The school was revived and renamed Chung Hwa School in 1933 when Lee Cheng Ghiam, Tay Luen Kang and Fung Cheng Siu applied to the government to reregister the school. Classes resumed on July 20 the same year with Mr. Soon Yee Thong as the Headmaster and assisted by 5 teachers. Lee Cheng Ghiam was elected to the Board and Khor Choon Boi as the Treasurer. Unfortunately in 1935 due to some crisis and disagreement among the Board members, mass resignation followed and the school was closed for the second time. 0n November 15 the same year, Mah Kee Kiat was given a new mandate to revive the school. Mr. Yee Sou How was employed as the Headmaster with 5 assistant teachers. Classes began on 22 January, 1936 with about 160 pupils. By the end of that year enrolment rose to 204 and on the advice of the Chief Education Officer as well as the Health Department and the Town Board, a decision was made to build a new block of two-storey building accommodating 4 classrooms upstairs and a classroom cum assembly hall. This was completed in November 1938. When the new school term started on January 16, 1939 there were already 9 classrooms with 12 classes, 11 staff members and over 380 pupils.

1941, Khoo Swee Tin was elected Chairman of the Board and Mr. Soo Yi Chuan was the new Headmaster but by the end of the year World War II broke out and the Japanese Imperial Army occupied Malaya, the school was again disrupted and remained closed, for a duration of 3 years and 8 months. The school premises were turned into Japanese and Thai army base during the period of occupation. Khoo Swee Tin was arrested and executed by the Japanese army.

August 16, 1945 the Japanese Imperial Army surrendered to the Allied Forces. With the untiring efforts of Lee Yew Sit, Tan Eik Tor and a few others, a new Board for the school was formed. See Seng Chan was elected to the Chair and Chung Hwa School was reopened with Mr. Chee Tee Keng as Headmaster with a student enrolment of over 700 in 1946. Later that year, See Seng Chan resigned and returned to China. Lau Khim Tee was elected to replace him.

The year 1949 saw the reorganisation of the Board and Yang Choon Shin became Chairman By the mid of the year, a fresh election nominated Ang Khai Seng to the Chair. Mr. Chee Tee Keng resigned and Mr Lee Han Chen took over the post of Headmaster. By 1950, Junior Middle Three Classes were started and Chung Hwa was expanding rapidly with over 1,000 students and more than 30 teachers. To accomodate the increasing number of students, another block of wooden and attap roof consisting of 4 classrooms was built in 1951.

In 1951, Mr. Lee Han Chen resigned and the Board got Mr. Nee Chee Swee as the new Headmaster and the school continued to grow by leaps and bounds. The following year, a Building Sub-Committee was formed with Mah Kee Kiat as Chairman, Lee Tong Peik as Vice-Chairman. Tan Soo Hiang as treasurer and members such as Lee Chin Thyc, Foo Chu Bee, Wee Gim Chong, Chan Eng Swee, Lau Khim Tee and others. After two major campaigns, the total donation was RM 115,527.70 and a new 2-storey block costing more than a hundred thousand ringgit with 14 additional classrooms was completed in April 1954. The same year Mah Kee Kiat was elected to the chair of the Board.

In 1959, Dr Wee Khoon Hock was Chairman of the Board and with the permission of the Education Minister, Encik Khir Johari, Senior Middle Classes began at Chung Hwa and another new 3 storey block with Science laboratory was constructed. In the same year, the school was split into two separate sections. The Primary section was headed by Mr. Chew Yee Kiat while the Secondary section with Mr. Nee Chee Swee as principal.

In 1960, Yap Gak Leng was elected to the Board. Mr Nee Chee Swee resigned and the Board employed Mr. 'Iing Chia Soo as principal and Mr. Ng Khim Chai as Senior Assistant.

In 1962, the Board decided to accept the conversion to Chung Hwa National Type Secondary School to conform with the Government Policy on Education. The following year, Mr. Ting Chia Soo resigned and the Board appointed Mr Ng Khim Chai as principal.

In 1965, the first batch of Form V students from the school sat for the SC, MCE and Sixth Form Entrance Examinations.

In l968, Mr. Ng Khim Chye resigned and the Ministry of Education sent Mr. Chen Tee Long as acting principal of the school. Mr. Chen stayed on only for a few months until June 1, 1968 when the ministry appointed Mr. Leong Wai Man as principal of the school. The school underwent major reforms with strong emphasis on both curriculum and co-curriculum activities. Societies, clubs and uniformed bodies were extended and sport- activities were encouraged. By 1970, the school had a staff of 25 with students enrolment of 690 in 19 classes and the school bugle band was formed.

In July, 1973, Mr. Leong Wai Man resigned and left for further studies in England. The Ministry then appointed Mr. Loo Hock Guan as the new principal until he was transferred to Penang in 1976. Mdm. Worig Ah Yin was acting principal for a short while before the Education Department appointed Mr. Cheah Pee Aik to the post in May 1976.

A basketball stadium was also built in 1969 to host the National Youth Cup Championship and this was renovated into an indoor mini stadium by 1973 to host The Agung's Cup.

During promotion reshuffle exercise in 1980, Mr. Cheah Pee Aik was transferred and Mr. Tan Khun was appointed as the new principal. As the number of students continued to increase, a new five storey science building project was launched in September 1978. The project was completed on 17 August 1983 and the building was officially opened by YB Dato' Chan Siang Sun on 20 September 1985. In 1984, the school was given the permission to open Sixth Form classes and by 1992, there were 84 academic staff members with 1667 students in 46 classes. In anticipation of projected increase in student population due to rapid expansion of the feeder primary schools and the implementation of KBSM, the school authorities began another building project. The plan took into consideration the requirement of the school well into the 21st century and it took 2 years for the plan to be finalised and handed over to the architect and engineers for its translation into blueprint. This latest project (deemed to be the final major school building project) would redevelop the entire area occupied by the present administration building and its adjacent car-park on its left and the timber-brick 2 storey structures of its right. This coming 5 storey building will give the school an entirely new frontal view and will house 5 new science labs, 19 classrooms, car park, multipurpose rooms, administration rooms, library and a grand hall. The whole project is divided into 3 phases and is estimated to complete within 5 years at a cost of over RM 2.5 million. It is to date the most ambitious project undertaken by the school and its success would prepare the school to face the challenges of the new century with confidence.

Work on the first phase of the project was launched officially by YB Dato' Seri Dr. Ling Liong Sik on 17 September 1993 on the eve of the 75th School Anniversary Day.

